
IV Therapy In Hammonton, NJ And South Jersey


IV Vitamin Therapy

Did you know that many of the vitamins your body needs to function are water soluble and cannot be stored in your body? Many of these are critical for optimizing health yet so many people are deficient in them.

Examples are:

Vitamin C (powerful antioxidant, critical for immune support, anti-aging, free radical scavenger)

Zinc (immune system, cardiovascular system, blood sugar support, makes your wrinkle relaxers last longer )

B complex (cardiovascular system support, nervous system support, healthy blood cells, converting food to energy, skin health, DNA repair)

IV therapy starting at $230

Available enhancements:


Body detoxification, improves sleep quality and mental clarity, improves hyperpigmentation of skin


Clears brain fog, supports immune health, athletic performance


Improves inflammation, boosts metabolism

B12 (Methylcobalamin)

Important for brain health, red blood cell production, and energy production. Itโ€™s known to assist with fat burning and metabolism, as well as helping to regulate appetite and sleep patterns. This is one of the most common vitamins that people are deficient in and can result in depression, mental decline, and lack of energy. Not only are vegans and vegetarians commonly deficient but even a large number of meat eaters can be deficient without knowing it. Age as well as any stomach issues such as IBS, Crohnโ€™s, and Celiac Disease, and medications that impact the stomach like metformin, antacids, reflux medications and ibuprofen can cause a deficiency. Sometimes genetics also plays a role in impaired B12 absorption.

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