
PDO Thread Lift Service In Hammonton And South Jersey

PDO Threads

PDO Thread Treatment

Thread lift is a technique that uses thin threads of polydioxanone (PDO) that is inserted under the skin to reposition tissue. Thread lift stimulates collagen production, thereby increasing volume in areas of volume loss and sagging skin. The threads dissolve over time, leaving the skin smoother and younger-looking. These thread lifts are FDA-approved, and the procedure has little to no side effects. Due to the fact that this procedure is non-surgical, the results will not be as dramatic as can be achieved with a surgical facelift. However, very noticeable changes can be produced. In addition to the threads, our injector will make a series of neurotoxin injections in the treated area to relax the muscles and smooth the skin. Depending on the size of the area being treated, you may have to schedule two separate appointments. Schedule your thread lift appointment with us today in Hammonton, NJ, and South Jersey to revitalize your appearance with this non-surgical technique!

The Advantages of PDO Thread Lift Service Include:

PDO Thread Lift Treatments

Smooth Threads

Smooth threads are surgical quality PDO threads painlessly placed under your skin in a hashtag pattern to bring more blood flow to the area. This repairs and tightens skin stimulates your body to produce more collagen and can be used on the face, neck, chest, or other areas to make them appear more full and youthful. These are purely for improving skin, scarring, and elasticity and not for lifting.

Thread Lift

Achieve a nonsurgical lift in a variety of areas of your face with dissolvable threads inserted under the skin, painlessly. Results are immediate and last 18-24 months.

Thread lift is a technique that uses thin threads of polydioxanone (PDO) that is inserted under the skin to reposition tissue. This stimulates collagen production, thereby increasing volume in areas of volume loss and sagging skin. The threads dissolve over time but they leave the skin smoother and younger-looking. These threads are FDA-approved and the procedure has little to no side effects. Due to the fact that this procedure is non-surgical, the results will not be as dramatic as can be achieved with a surgical facelift. However, very noticeable changes can be produced.


The treated areas include the upper, lower, or midface, neck, arms, abdomen, and thighs.

Skin firmness and rejuvenation improvements can be seen three to four weeks after the procedure. The targeted area becomes renewed during these weeks, and collagen is produced. This results
in a youthful glow and tightening of the skin.

The treated area entirely absorbs PDO Threads six months after treatment.
in a youthful glow and tightening of the skin.

Yes. You may get bruising, swelling, skin puckering, orange peel-like skin texture, or mild irritation.

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